Sign Up & Start Saving!
Nutrition Smart has created a NEW & IMPROVED loyalty program that rewards YOU with exclusive coupons, savings, discounts, special promotions and much more.
Simply sign up by sending a text to (866) 603-3532 with the keyword “SMART1” for Pembroke Pines or “SMART2” for Wesley Chapel.
Exclusive Member-Only Offers
🎉 Welcome Reward:
Sign Up & Save: 10% OFF your next purchase (valid for 30 days).
Please note: The discount reward may take up to 72 hours after you sign up to appear in your account. No digital or barcode coupon needs to be shown at checkout!
⭐ Bonus Reward
Spend $200 in 45 Days: Get a $5 OFF coupon on a purchase of $50 or more (valid for 30 days).
Spend $250 in 30 Days: Enjoy 20% OFF one item on your next purchase (valid for 30 days).
🔥 VIP Reward
One Big Purchase ($450+): Get 20% OFF your entire next purchase (valid for 30 days).
🎂 birthday gift
Celebrate Your Birthday: Get $5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more during your birthday month (valid for 15 days).
To get this reward, share your birthday with cashier
How It Works
Link Your Purchase:
Every time you check out, make sure to enter your phone number. This simple step automatically adds your progress towards more rewards!
Right after a transaction, the receipt will display any available rewards from your SMART REWARDS account. This way, you can instantly see your progress!
Remember: A quick phone number entry means more rewards and greater savings on every healthy purchase.
Important Note: Rewards are not cumulative. A customer must redeem a coupon to be eligible for a new one.
Disclaimer Reminder: Some products may be excluded from coupon discounts.